Is HTML5 Dirty?
Last week, I wrote about Google’s mod_pagespeed. Some of the module’s features brought out some…

Has HTML5 Killed Silverlight?
According to Microsoft, “Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive applications for…

Shadow Boxing: Image-free, CSS3, Glossy Buttons
Buttons. As web monkeys, we use a lot of them. Search buttons, buy buttons, send…

The WDS Title Sequence Explained: HTML5 and CSS3 in Action
I’ve just returned from Web Directions South in Sydney, where I saw some inspiring speakers…

The W3C and the “HTML5 Isn’t Ready” Backlash
The following InfoWorld article spread like wildfire throughout the web yesterday — W3C: Hold off…

Cross-Browser HTML5 Canvas with Fallback
Canvas is a relatively new HTML5 technology that provides a “scriptable” image. You can add…

CSS3 Border Images for Beautiful, Flexible Boxes
The CSS3 buzz is in full swing, and many of CSS3’s most useful properties are…

HTML5 and Even Fancier Forms
It’s a brand-new world for those of us working in the web industry. Browser vendors…

5 Reasons Why You Can Use HTML5 Today
In our recent poll, almost half the respondents stated it was too early to use…

Is HTML5 Viable Today?
We love new technology at SitePoint so it’s easy to be swept along with the…